Services offered by Stamski & McNary, Inc., include:
The company has completed over 5,000 projects, a major portion of which are related to Civil Site Design and Permitting. Stamski and McNary, Inc. offers a comprehensive package of services to their clients including development planning, preparation of construction plans, and lead assistance through the permitting process. In addition to their in house capabilities, Stamski and… SEE MORE »
The Subdivision Control Law in conjunction with local regulations allow for the subdivison of Real Estate into lots. There are a number of methods by which land can be subdivided. In some instances an Approval Not Required (ANR) plan can be endorsed by a local planning board, where a lot can be provided with adequate… SEE MORE »
Topographic Surveys are required for a wide range of projects. The purpose of the Topographic Survey is to collect information related to the elevation of the land and represent that information on a plan by plotting elevation contours. In the course of preparing such surveys, other above and below ground features are often located and… SEE MORE »
Regardless of the size of your project, it is possible that a wetland permit will be required. In some instances, a minor project may be exempt from permitting. In other cases, wetland permitting may be needed at the Local, State and Federal levels. We have successfully permitted thousands of wetland related projects ranging in scope… SEE MORE »

Stormwater Management System Design has become a necessary component of projects of all sizes. Federal, State and Local regulations have necessitated the management of stormwater for projects of all sizes. The EPA, DEP and municipal agencies have mandated varying degrees of mitigation on numerous land development projects. From single family dwellings to large commercial sites,… SEE MORE »
In the course of many thousands of Sewage Disposal System Designs for the replacement of failed existing systems, for the expansion of current systems and for new residential and commercial systems, we at Stamski and McNary, Inc., have experienced situations in which our clients do not have an understanding of the process of designing and… SEE MORE »

Soil Evaluations are performed by our staff in accordance with MA DEP standards. Estimated Seasonal High Water Table, percolation rate, and soil textural class are important characteristics that must be considered in the design of sewage disposal systems and stormwater facilities. Our staff has conducted countless soil evaluations over thousands of acres of land. … SEE MORE »
Roadway Design is an integral part of many of our projects. Designs may be needed for the creation of new roadways under the subdivision control law or reconstruction or improvements to existing roadways. Our firm has extensive experience in all aspects of roadway design including layout, utilities, grading, drainage, surfacing and pedestrian access. There are… SEE MORE »
One of the services provided by Stamski and McNary, Inc. is the preparation of a “Plot Plan”. The “Plot Plan” is customarily a plan used for financing purposes or for building permit purposes. Financing When purchasing a home and borrowing funds to pay for the purchase, a lender will usually request that a “Plot Plan”… SEE MORE »
Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Permitting, or MEPA Permitting, is required in a number of instances when permitting is required with state agencies. Also, if a project site is located within an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), virtually all projects larger than a single family house require at least the most basic filing with the Executive Office… SEE MORE »
We provide Land Development Analysis services to our clients to fulfill their development goals and potential. Land Development laws and regulations become increasing coplex with passing time. Laws and regualtions are promulgated at the Federal, State and Local leve on a wide range of issues. Prior to expending significant resources, it is prudent to have… SEE MORE »
Our firm has performed counteless FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Program Elevation Surveys, giving property owners the most accurate assessment of their property under the program. The Elevation Certificate is an important administrative tool of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It is to be used to provide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with community… SEE MORE »

Construction Layout is a crucial component in making well thought out designs materialize. Our firm provides excellent design services and it is important to couple the designs with our extensive experience in Construction Layout. The intricacies of a project that are represented on design plans must be translated to the field for construction professionals to… SEE MORE »
Condominium Plans often consist of floor plans and condominium site plans, which together identify the boundaries of condominium units, common land, exclusive use areas, common and exclusive parking areas and other crucial features to help associations and owners identify and understand rights and responsibilities in condominiums. We provide services in preparation of such documents to… SEE MORE »
Stamski and McNary, Inc., believes strongly in providing Community Service in order to promote community strength and cohesiveness. We are infinitely grateful for the support of the residents of the communities within which we provide our services and are always willing to give back for worthwhile causes that can benefit from our expertise. “We make a living… SEE MORE »
Boundary surveys determine the precise location of the boundaries of a property. Surveys may identify encroachment on properties by buildings, structures, fences, driveways and other physical features. Easements for various purposes are often identified in preparing plots of the results of boundary surveys. In order to perform accurate surveys, detailed research is performed at the respective… SEE MORE »
ALTA Surveys, American Land Title Association Surveys, are performed in securing Title Insurance for the safe and efficient transfer of real estate with high standards when searching land title records and preparing insurance documents. The industry seeks to eliminate risk before insuring, which provides the insured with the best possible chance of avoiding land title… SEE MORE »